Monday, March 5, 2012

Running a Process in NAV using NAS and JOB QUEUE

Running a Process in NAV using NAS and JOB QUEUE

Setting NAS

In this tutorial we will run NAS on a SQL Server. Just like with a normal client you can do the same things against a Native server. Just use Nas.exe instead of NasSQL.exe. I assume that you already have a NAV database running on a SQL Server, and that you can open this database with a normal NAV client.
Install NAS from the product CD.
·         Installing NAS will automatically create two services [Machinename-CLASSIC] and [Machinename-SQL] (display name is “Navision Application Server [Machinename]-CLASSIC/SQL”).
·         Remove the two services and add your own service:

For this task, you need to use the command prompt. Go to the folder where you installed NAS. Notice that, in this folder you will find two .exe files: Nas.exe and Nassql.exe. In the following section, use nassql.exe since we are running on a SQL Server. If you were running NAV on Native server, you would use nas.exe. But each file has the same functionality.
Also note, that if you are running on Windows Vista, then opening a normal command prompt may not give you enough permissions. So, if running on Vista, open the command prompt from the Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories, then right-click on "Command Prompt", and select "Run as Administrator".

To remove a service, from the command prompt in the NAS folder, type:

Nassql appservername=[machinename]-CLASSIC, uninstallasservice .
This will remove the service with the name [machinename]-CLASSIC that was installed when you installed NAS.
In the same way, remove the [Machinename]-SQL service.

To add a service, type:
  Nassql appservername=NAS, installasservice

·         Go to Application Service Manager

Right Click the Application server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Manger
Select the service that you have created

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
Go to administrative toolsà services à give administrator log on password

Step 4
Start the service. To do this you should have administrator permission.  Before you start the service

Step 5
Before you start the service check the setup parameter = JOBQUEUE.
NAS is a client without a user interface (GUI), running as a service. That’s all it is. When it starts, it will run a function in codeunit 1, passing on the Start-up parameter that has been set up. That’s all it does. There are two prerequisites for this function in codeunit 1:
  It must have ID 99 (the name of the function is irrelevant)
  It must have one parameter Text 250. The name of this parameter is also irrelevant.

Step 6 . You can start the service successfully.
How to setup JOBQUEUE inside the Dynamics NAV.
GO to Administration à Job Queueà Job Queue setup and active it.

You can add a new entry to Job Queue Entry. You can run only Reports/Codeunits from Job Queue.
That codeunit or report should not include any GUI like Massages/Error Massages of the process.
You should handle all the possible errors/Massages from C/AL . For example by creating Error Log, Etc.

After you  complete the setup then Reset the status.

You should do only one thing to run the codeunit or Report.
You must pass the Job Queue Entry like below screen shot.

If you have any error in the process you can see the Job Queue error log.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Developing for Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7"

This topic lists new and enhanced features in the Community Technical Preview (CTP1) release for developing for and administering Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7".
Developing for Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7"
The following sections describe the new features that you can use to develop Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7" applications.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7" provides a new debugger that you access from the RoleTailored client. The debugger UI runs on the RoleTailored client. The debugger services run on the computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
Developing Reports
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7", you can create either client report definition (RDLC) reports or Classic reports. To create an RDLC report, you design the data model with the new Report Designer, and then you design the layout with Visual Studio. To create a Classic report, you use the Classic Report Designer.
Developing Queries
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7", you can create a Query object to specify a dataset. You can use the Query dataset to get data from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database. For example, you can create a Query that you use as the basis for a chart or KPI in the RoleTailored client.
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 provides a way to access and display data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7" in Microsoft SharePoint 2010 applications.
Arranging Page Fields in a Grid
With the new GridLayout page control, you can lay out fields in rows and columns. You can also use the GridLayout control to span rows or columns and show or hide field labels.
Previewing Pages in Page Designer
You can preview a page in Page Designer as you work without having to run the page in the RoleTailored client.
Using the Standard Dialog Page Type
The Standard Dialog page type creates a simple page for entering data. The Standard Dialog page does not include an Action Pane, and there is no customization available in the RoleTailored client.
Using New Features in Page Designer
Page Designer includes the following improvements:
·         Page wizard.

Using the page wizard, you can add FactBoxes that contain page, system, and chart parts. For more information, Action and Activity button icon selection.

When selecting an icon for an action or activity button, you can select from a list instead of manually entering the icon’s name. For more information.

·         Default control names and captions.
The name and caption on a field control use the source field’s name in the database by default.
Interoperating with the Microsoft .NET Framework
You can extend your Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution using .NET Framework assemblies. With .NET Framework interoperability, you reference assemblies and call types directly from C/AL code of Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects, such as pages and codeunits.
Using Enhancements in RoleTailored Client Control Add-ins
Control add-ins have been enhanced with the following features:
·         Additional data types are supported with database binding.

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1, you could only bind a control add-in with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database for String and Object data types. Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7" supports other data types, such as DateTime, Boolean, and more. For more information
·         Exposing methods and properties to C/AL code.

To extend user interface controls on a page, you can expose methods and properties in a control add-in assembly so that they can be called by C/AL code on page triggers. For more information,
·         Sizing control add-ins.

You can specify an area of a page that a control add-in occupies. You can specify a specific width and height or set the control add-in to resize as the page window resizes in the RoleTailored client. For more information.
Understanding Chart and KPI Enhancements
Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7" includes the following enhancements for displaying data in charts:
·         New chart types.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV "7" supports several new chart types from the Microsoft chart library, including doughnut charts and bubble charts.
·         Analysis Display in the RoleTailored client

You can display data as charts from list places on the Analysis Display. To open the Analysis Display, click the Actions menu on a list place. The Analysis Display can contain multiple charts in FactBoxes for viewing data from different perspectives.
·         Adding FactBoxes that contain charts.

On a page in the RoleTailored client, you can add FactBoxes that display charts.
·         Customizing charts in the RoleTailored client.

From a menu on a chart, you can choose to change the chart definition, the chart type, show the chart in three dimensions, flip the x-axis and y-axis, and more.
Installing Microsoft Dynamics NAV
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup program has been redesigned. There are now four setup options instead of six. Classic Database Server is no longer available. For more information, see the instructions in the Deployment section as you set up Microsoft Dynamics NAV. In CTP1, the Help for Setup is only partially updated.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Dynamics NAV Development Environment" in NAV 7

Classic forms, reports and dataports ..... They will be gone in V7. In V7 they are replaced by more mordern concepts: Pages, RDL reports and XML-port.

Original Forum Link Below Check this out.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Destination root by Online Map in Dynamics NAV 2009 R2

I got a requirement to develop to show the destination root. Sales order contain Customer Ship to City between Item Location Code (city of the address).

Created a function in Sales Line table called DisplayMap Define Local Variables

Name                  DataType               Subtype              
MapPoint            Record                Online Map Setup            
MapMgt              Codeunit             Online Map Management
RVCustomer       Record                 Customer
RVLocation         Record                  Location              

DisplayMap Function Contains the below code.

IF RVCustomer.GET("Sell-to Customer No.") THEN;
IF Rvlocation.GET("Location Code") THEN;
IF MapPoint.FIND('-') THEN
  MapMgt.MakeSelection1(DATABASE::"Sales Header",SalesHeader.GETPOSITION,Rvlocation.GETPOSITION,"Location Code")
{Text50000 - Contains
’ Before you can use Online Map, you must fill in the Online Map Setup window.\See Setting Up Online Map in Help.’

In Online Map Management you have to create a new function MakeSelection1 .

MakeSelection1(TableID : Integer;Position : Text[1000];LocationPosition :     Text[1000];LocationCode : Code[20])
IF MapSetup."Default Language Code" = '' THEN
  ERROR(STRSUBSTNO(Text003,MapSetup.FIELDCAPTION("Default Language Code")));
SelectAddress1(TableID,Position,1,MapSetup."Distance In",MapSetup.Route,LocationPosition);

In Online Map Management you have to create a new function SelectAddress1

SelectAddress1(TableNo : Integer;RecPosition : Text[1000];Direction : 'To Other,From Other,To Company,From Company';Distance : 'Miles,K
IF Direction IN [Direction::"To Other",Direction::"From Other"] THEN BEGIN
Distance := OnlineMapSetup."Distance In";
Route := OnlineMapSetup.Route;


CASE Direction OF
  Direction::"To Other":
  Direction::"From Other":
  Direction::"To Company":
        DATABASE::"Company Information",CompanyInfo.GETPOSITION,
        OnlineMapSetup."Distance In",OnlineMapSetup.Route);
  Direction::"From Company":
        DATABASE::"Company Information",CompanyInfo.GETPOSITION,
        OnlineMapSetup."Distance In",OnlineMapSetup.Route);

Create an action to Call DisplayMap Function in Sales Line Table.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Math Functions in Dynamics NAV

I have created the Math functions codeunit 50010
Use when you want any calculations using Math functions

OBJECT Codeunit 50010 Math Functions
    Time=[ 6:59:10 PM];
    Version List=Math_SR;


    PROCEDURE "!"@1000000000(x@1000000000 : Decimal) Factorial : Decimal;
      Factorial := x;
      WHILE x > 1 DO BEGIN
        x -= 1;
        Factorial := Factorial * x

    PROCEDURE Sin@1000000001(x@1000000000 : Decimal) : Decimal;
      EXIT(x*(1 - (x*x)*(1 - (x*x)*(1 - (x*x)*(1 - (x*x)*(1 - (x*x)*(1 - (x*x)*(1 - (x*x)*(1 - (x*x)
      /(16*17) )/(14*15) )/(12*13) )/(10*11) )/(8*9) )/(6*7) ) / (4*5) ) /(2*3) ));

    PROCEDURE Cos@1000000003(x@1000000000 : Decimal) Cos : Decimal;

    PROCEDURE Tan@1000000013(x@1000000000 : Decimal) : Decimal;
      EXIT(Sin(x) / Cos(x));

    PROCEDURE ArcSin@1000000005(x@1000000000 : Decimal) a : Decimal;
      IF x < 0 THEN
        IF x = 1 THEN
          EXIT(Pi / 2)
          EXIT(ArcTan(x / Sqrt(1 - x * x)));

    PROCEDURE ArcCos@1000000006(x@1000000000 : Decimal) a : Decimal;
      IF x < 0 THEN
        EXIT(Pi - ArcCos(-x))
        IF x = 0 THEN
          EXIT(Pi / 2)
        EXIT(ArcTan(Sqrt(1 - x * x) / x));

    PROCEDURE ArcTan@1000000008(x@1000000000 : Decimal) ATan : Decimal;
      Sum@1000000001 : Decimal;
      i@1000000002 : Integer;
      Inverting@1000000003 : Boolean;

      Inverting :=  (x < -1) OR (x > 1);
      IF Inverting THEN
        x := 1/x;

      FOR i := 1 TO 100 DO BEGIN
        ATan += (POWER(x,i) / i) - (POWER(x,i+2) / (i+2));
        i += 3;

      IF Inverting THEN
        IF x > 0 THEN

    PROCEDURE Pi@1000000004() : Decimal;

    PROCEDURE Sqrt@1000000009(x@1000000000 : Decimal) : Decimal;

      Austral Sameera 23.12.2010 --  Math Functions to Use Store Locator                    

Monday, January 16, 2012

Access MS SQL Database from MS Dynamics NAV Native Database

One of my clients wants to synchronize data with different database. 
01 ) I  Created a new codeunit and created below new global/Global variables

RsReceiveData     -- Automation  --  'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library'.Recordset  
RsFReceiveData   --Automation  --  'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library'.Fields_Deprecated 
FieldReceiveData  -- Automation--   'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library'.Fields           
ADO                    --  Automation--  'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library'.Connection
01)   Connection Open.
You should Create 4 fields in a setup table. I created in Synchronize Setup(Customize new table)

SynchSetup.TESTFIELD("SQL Server Name");
SynchSetup.TESTFIELD("Database Name");
SynchSetup.TESTFIELD("User ID");

ADO.Open('Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;initial catalog=' + SynchSetup."Database Name" + ';' +
'data source=' + SynchSetup."SQL Server Name" + ';' +
'user id=' + SynchSetup."User ID" + ';' +
'password=' + SynchSetup.Password);

02)    After this you should write the sql update sql command as below.

//Open RecordSet
RsReceiveData.Open  ('Select isnull(t11_010,'''') as "Vendor Code",isnull(t11_020,'''') as "Store Code",isnull(t11_030,'''') as "Invoice date",' +  'isnull(t11_050,'''') as "Invoice Number", isnull(t11_090,'''') as "Item Group", isnull(t11_100,'''') as "Item Code",' +  'convert(char(20),isnull(t11_170,0)) as "Real Receive Amount", isnull(t11_220,'''') as "Order Number",' +   'isnull(t11_040,'''') as "Receive Div",isnull(t11_900,'''') as "Update Div",isnull(t11_990,'''') as "Disposal Date", ' +   'isnull((Select top 1 isnull(m1_600,'''') from mgsm01 where m1_020=t11_100 and t11_090=''6''),'''') '+   'as "Item Sub Group" from mgst11 ' +  'where t11_900=''1'' and t11_990 = '+ConvertToSQLDate(RecSynchLog."Disposal Date")+' '+
  'and t11_020 = '+ RecSynchLog."Store Code" +' '+  'ORDER BY "Disposal Date" DESC',ADO);
// Get the Data to the Variables define in Globals.

RsFReceiveData :=RsReceiveData.Fields();
RecordCount := 0;
WHILE (NOT RsReceiveData.EOF) AND (NOT RsReceiveData.BOF) DO BEGIN
  VendorCode := RsFReceiveData.Item('Vendor Code').Value;
  StoreCode := RsFReceiveData.Item('Store Code').Value;
  DateVar := FORMAT(RsFReceiveData.Item('Invoice date').Value);
  InvoiceDate := ConvertToDate(DateVar);
  InvoiceNo := RsFReceiveData.Item('Invoice Number').Value;
  ItemGroup := RsFReceiveData.Item('Item Group').Value;
  ItemCode := RsFReceiveData.Item('Item Code').Value;
  ItemSubGroup := FORMAT(RsFReceiveData.Item('Item Sub Group').Value);
  EVALUATE(RealReceiveAmount,FORMAT(RsFReceiveData.Item('Real Receive Amount').Value));
  OrderNo := RsFReceiveData.Item('Order Number').Value;
  ReceiveDiv := RsFReceiveData.Item('Receive Div').Value;
  UpdateDiv := RsFReceiveData.Item('Update Div').Value;
  DateVar := FORMAT(RsFReceiveData.Item('Disposal Date').Value);
  DisposalDate := ConvertToDate(DateVar);
  IF NOT(SetGlobalDisposalDate) THEN BEGIN
    GlobalDisposalDate := DisposalDate;
    SetGlobalDisposalDate := TRUE;
  RecordCount := RecordCount + 1;

//Close RecordSet

//Close Connection

Access Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 Database from web through C/Front dll .

Access Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 Database from web through C/Front dll .

Three years back I got a requirement to create approval module to Customer/Vendor Payments from
Inside as well as outside. Challenge was access from the outside. I used to cfront dll to do this. In this article I have mentioned how to change the Native DB Password from outside the NAV.
01 ) I designed below layout.

02) Write the code (C#.Net) inside the btnChangePassword_Click Event using Microsoft.Navision.CFront

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Microsoft.Navision.CFront;

public partial class ChangePassword : System.Web.UI.Page

    protected void btnChangePassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int CT;
        int CR;
        string NewConPassword;
        string NewPassword1;
        if (txtNewPassword.Text.Trim() == txtConfirmPassword.Text.Trim())

            NewConPassword = txtConfirmPassword.Text.Trim();
            NewPassword1 = txtNewPassword.Text.Trim();

                NavisionNetType NetType;

                NavisionDriverType DriverType;

                NavisionCode Data;
                NavisionText Password;

                DriverType = NavisionDriverType.Native;
                NetType = NavisionNetType.NativeTcp;

                CFrontDotNet.DriverType = DriverType;

                CFrontDotNet.NavisionPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("NavisionPath");
                CFrontDotNet.Instance.ConnectServerAndOpenDatabase(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Database"), NetType, null, 2000, true, false, textUsername.Text.Trim(), textPassword.Text.Trim());
                CT = CFrontDotNet.Instance.OpenTable(2000000002);
                CR = CFrontDotNet.Instance.AllocRecord(CT);
                CFrontDotNet.Instance.SetFilter(CT, 1, textUsername.Text.Trim());

                    if (CFrontDotNet.Instance.FindRecord(CT, CR, "-"))
                        Data = CFrontDotNet.Instance.GetFieldData(CT, CR, 1);
                        Password = CFrontDotNet.Instance.GetFieldData(CT, CR, 2);

                        CFrontDotNet.Instance.CryptPassword(Data.ToString(), NewConPassword.ToString());
                        CFrontDotNet.Instance.SetFieldData(CT, CR, 2, NavisionFieldType.Text, GetBytesByType(NavisionFieldType.Text, NewConPassword.ToString(), 2000000002, 2));
                        CFrontDotNet.Instance.ModifyRecord(CT, CR);

                        lblErrorMassage.Text = "Password has been changed";

                        lblErrorMassage.Text = "Invalid User Id/Password";
            catch(Exception ex)
                lblErrorMassage.Text = "Invalid User Id/Password";

            lblErrorMassage.Text = "New Password and Confirm password are miss match";

03) New function to convert data types.

    private byte[] GetBytesByType(NavisionFieldType type, String value, int tableHandle,   int fieldNo)
        switch (type)
            case NavisionFieldType.Text:
                    NavisionText n = NavisionText.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Option:
                    NavisionOption n = new NavisionOption(Convert.ToInt32(value));
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.BigInteger:
                    NavisionBigInteger n = NavisionBigInteger.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Binary:
                    NavisionBinary n = NavisionBinary.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Blob:
                    NavisionBlob n = NavisionBlob.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Boolean:
                    NavisionBoolean n = NavisionBoolean.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Code:
                    NavisionCode n = NavisionCode.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Date:
                    NavisionDate n = NavisionDate.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.DateFormula:
                    NavisionDateFormula n = NavisionDateFormula.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.DateTime:
                    NavisionDateTime n = NavisionDateTime.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Decimal:
                    NavisionDecimal n = NavisionDecimal.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Duration:
                    NavisionDuration n = NavisionDuration.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Guid:
                    NavisionGuid n = NavisionGuid.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Integer:
                    NavisionInteger n = new NavisionInteger(int.Parse(value));
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.RecordId:
                    NavisionRecordId n = NavisionRecordId.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.TableFilter:
                    NavisionTableFilter n = NavisionTableFilter.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
            case NavisionFieldType.Time:
                    NavisionTime n = NavisionTime.Parse(value);
                    return n.GetBytes();
        return new byte[] { };
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected void Page_unload(object sender, EventArgs e)