Running a Process in NAV using NAS and JOB QUEUE
Setting NAS
In this tutorial we will run NAS on
a SQL Server. Just like with a normal client you can do the same things against
a Native server. Just use Nas.exe instead of NasSQL.exe. I assume that you
already have a NAV database running on a SQL Server, and that you can open this
database with a normal NAV client.
Install NAS from the product CD.
Installing NAS will automatically
create two services [Machinename-CLASSIC] and [Machinename-SQL] (display name
is “Navision Application Server [Machinename]-CLASSIC/SQL”).
Remove the
two services and add your own service:
this task, you need to use the command prompt. Go to the folder where you
installed NAS. Notice that, in this folder you will find two .exe files:
Nas.exe and Nassql.exe. In the following section, use nassql.exe since we are
running on a SQL Server. If you were running NAV on Native server, you
would use nas.exe. But each file has the same functionality.
note, that if you are running on Windows Vista, then opening a normal
command prompt may not give you enough permissions. So, if running on Vista,
open the command prompt from the Start Menu -> All Programs ->
Accessories, then right-click on "Command Prompt", and select "Run
as Administrator".
To remove a service, from the command prompt in the NAS folder, type:
appservername=[machinename]-CLASSIC, uninstallasservice .
This will remove the service with the name [machinename]-CLASSIC that was installed when you installed NAS.
This will remove the service with the name [machinename]-CLASSIC that was installed when you installed NAS.
the same way, remove the [Machinename]-SQL service.
add a service, type:
Nassql appservername=NAS, installasservice
Nassql appservername=NAS, installasservice
Go to Application Service Manager
Right Click the Application server for Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Manger
Select the service that you have created
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Go to administrative toolsà services à give administrator log on password
Step 4
Start the service. To do this you should have administrator
permission. Before you start the service
Step 5
Before you start the service check the setup parameter = JOBQUEUE.
NAS is a client without a user
interface (GUI), running as a service. That’s all it is. When it starts, it
will run a function in codeunit 1, passing on the Start-up parameter that has
been set up. That’s all it does. There are two prerequisites for this function
in codeunit 1:
It must have ID 99 (the name
of the function is irrelevant)
It must have one parameter Text 250. The name of this parameter is also irrelevant.
It must have one parameter Text 250. The name of this parameter is also irrelevant.
Step 6 . You can start the service successfully.
How to setup JOBQUEUE inside the Dynamics NAV.
GO to Administration à
Job Queueà Job
Queue setup and active it.
You can add a new entry to Job Queue Entry. You can run only
Reports/Codeunits from Job Queue.
That codeunit or report should not include any GUI like
Massages/Error Massages of the process.
You should handle all the possible errors/Massages from C/AL
. For example by creating Error Log, Etc.
After you complete
the setup then Reset the status.
You should do only one thing to run the codeunit or Report.
You must pass the Job Queue Entry like below screen shot.
If you have any error in the process you can see the Job
Queue error log.